WWF responds to statements by Kerry

WWF responds to statements by Kerry:

Samantha Smith, leader of WWF International’s international Climate and Energy Initiative says negotiators in capital of Peru should not forget that we tend to face a planetary emergency  Secretary Kerry is correct in highlight the science that tells United States of America we tend to area unit already facing unexampled impacts from temperature change which to steer the world’s climate to remain below two degrees heating we've to act currently we'd like countries to accelerate money commitments and to confirm that we've a robust negotiating text to debate in Paris. we tend to cannot afford to fail the vulnerable individuals of the globe World Health Organization area unit counting on United States of America to confirm that they need a world price living in

Lou Elmore John Leonard WWF-US vice chairman for climate change|global temperature change temperature change aforesaid Kerry's speech justly reminded negotiators that the science is screaming at United States of America His team here in capital of Peru must heed the Secretary’s decision and secure a robust scientific review of the targets that countries can placed on the table in 2015 Negotiators got to get the science right and that they got to act along to try and do that the United States of America will got to facilitate broker a long money agreement to assist those most liable to climate change